Sorry I have been a bit neglectful of this dear blog but I have been rushing to get all work finished. I am happy now to say that I have finished my second year now and hopefully if I have not let myself down, I will be starting my third and final year back at uni in September - ahhh!
We ended the year just like last year with a Journalism Party, where a couple of our lecturers who have their own band; the Hudson-Temple experience (I think that's what it's called) play at a dirty club and all journalist students get together and get merry. We already have one guy in the band who plays drums from our course, and this year a girl had a part as guest vocalist...starting to think that by next year the whole lot of us will have a role in the band.It was a good night (as you can see by the photo of myself on the right and my dear friend megan), more so because I was able to remember the night because I avoided the dodgy vodka at the bar and stuck to trusty cider and black, which I am taking quite a liking to lately.
The following evening was spent at the pub with friends, one of whom has just arrived back from Afghanistan and it was nice to see that he hasn't lost his 'banter' skills. The next day I had a date with my favourite UK city, Manchester. Myself and four friends went to see Dance Gavin Dance (pictured) and In Fear and Faith which was a goody. The highlight of the gig was probably the cover of ‘Gangster’s Paradise’ which In fear and Faith came out with at the end of their set. It was awesome - made me almost buy a T-shirt, almost. What was more funny, were the accomodation arrangements; myself and the bessie got ourselves a premier inn, the rest found themselves staying in a Muslim hotel with no TV and no alcohol - bad times.
The idiocy that went on after the gig, hitting bars and clubs on-route to Rock Kitchen, involved ripping tights, un-doing zips, spilling drinks, noticing that manchester is shaped like a horse's head, huge lamp shades and generally ruining peoples nights with our drunken slurs of uninvited conversation. At Rock Kitchen the lariness reached a new level and I can only say that the pictures I found on my camera the next morning, were quite upsetting - it's amazing what one can do with parts of their anatomy. Crazy kids.
So now it’s bank holiday Monday and after sleeping for twenty hours or so yesterday, I am now bored and deciding what needs to be done this summer. The list so far involves, sorting out work experience places (preferably in Manchester), booking a hotel for another gig in Manchester at the end of this month, looking for jobs and trying to find some cities I can take myself to.
I really wanna travel this year, and with my best mate leaving for 7 weeks to be an oper (something I can’t spell), I need to do something to pass the time. First trip will be to Paris, then maybe Barcelona – I Love it! Then maybe Madrid, I plan to go visit my friend while she's opering in Italy so that’s an excuse to go to Milan right?
Hopefully this will go to plan and I’ll get to see some places which would make this blog pretty good - talk about the different cultures, how the fashion’s change, fun times, the bad times etc.
So - stay tuned, gonna have to have a wee nosy at flights and accomodation, that's always a good place to start.And, for those of you who don't know Dance Gavin Dance - here's a video